Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chain Stitching My Raggies

Tip #3 From Rag Quilting Tip Series

LOL When I first began Rag Quilting I was doing everything the hard way. Mom had gotten me a quilt block kit for Christmas shortly after I picked up sewing again. With the raggies, I was sewing then clipping each sandwich as it passed through the machine.

I started reading the instructions in the kit Mom got me, and was clued in on what chain-stitching is. My Rag Quilting is much faster now.

Here are the details of chain stitching for Rag Quilting:

1. Make your fabric "sandwiches" and stack them by your machine.

2. Grab one sandwich and feed it through the machine diagonally corner to opposite corner. (Don't clip the thread when it is all the way through.)

3. Grab another sandwich and feed it through. Keep doing this until the stack is gone.

4. Clip the threads now between each of the sandwiches you just sewed through.

5. Stack them up again

6. Chain stitch the other line of the "X" on your sandwiches.

7. Clip apart again.


Jeri said...

Wow, thank you!!! I have done it the hard and slow way since begining to rag quilt. I am so happy to learn this simple and fast way of quilting.


Anonymous said...

I just finished my first rag quilt and I'm hooked. You had some really great tips. Thanks

Ashlawnfarms Rag Quilt Creations said...

Happy to help! Thanks for the comments!